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Little Expat

A savings account for little ones on big adventures.

Why choose our Little Expat account?

Little Expat is our international savings account that allows you to save for your child's future.

  • Choose from 4 currencies - GBP, USD, HKD or AED
  • Get a preferential interest rate on your first GBP 2,500 or currency equivalent
  • Keep your savings in one place, wherever you go

Interest rates

Here's how much interest you could earn on your savings.[@interestcalculation] [@interestratesindicative]
Currency Interest Rate including bonus - Gross
GBP (up to GBP 2,500)


GBP (over GBP 2,500) 0.95%
USD (up to USD 3,200) 3.79%
USD (over USD 3,200) 0.90%
AED (up to AED 12,000)
AED (over AED 12,000) 0.10%
HKD (up to HKD 25,000) 1.00%
HKD (over HKD 25,000) 0.10%
Here's how much interest you could earn on your savings.[@interestcalculation] [@interestratesindicative]
Currency GBP (up to GBP 2,500)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross


Currency GBP (over GBP 2,500)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 0.95%
Currency USD (up to USD 3,200)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 3.79%
Currency USD (over USD 3,200)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 0.90%
Currency AED (up to AED 12,000)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 1.00%
Currency AED (over AED 12,000)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 0.10%
Currency HKD (up to HKD 25,000)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 1.00%
Currency HKD (over HKD 25,000)
Interest Rate including bonus - Gross 0.10%

Balances up to GBP 2,500/USD 3,200/AED 12,000/HKD 25,000 will earn the higher rate of interest. Only the part of the balance above GBP 2,500/USD 3,200/AED 12,000/HKD 25,000 will earn the lower rate of interest.

Things to know

Who can apply?

To apply for a Little Expat account, you'll need to:

  • have an HSBC Expat Bank Account
  • be opening it for a child under 18 years of age
  • be the child's legal parent or guardian

Ready to apply?

Already with Expat?

Contact your Premier Relationship Manager or call us on:

HSBC Premier customers

+44 1534 616 313

HSBC Advance customers

+44 1534 616 212

New to Expat?

You can apply for a Little Expat account once you have opened an Expat Bank Account with us.

Frequently asked questions

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Our multi-currency account available in GBP, EUR or USD.


Save for a fixed period of time that suits you.


Flexible savings in a wide choice of currencies.


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Additional information

    HSBC Expat is a participant in the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for eligible deposits of up to £50,000. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available on the States of Jersey website, or on request.

    Deposits made with HSBC Expat are not protected by the rules made under the UK's Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of retail clients, including the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the UK’s Financial Ombudsman Service.

    Deposits made with our office in Jersey are not protected deposits under the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Scheme and are not protected by such scheme.

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