You can send and spend money in over 50 currencies to 200 countries and regions. If you don't hold a balance in the currency you're spending in, simply ensure funds are available in your GBP wallet.
You can hold balances in these currencies:
British pound sterling (GBP),
United States dollar (USD),
Euro (EUR),
Hong Kong dollar(HKD),
United Arab Emirates dirham (AED),
Australian dollar (AUD),
Canadian dollar(CAD),
Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY)*,
Czech Koruna (CZK),
Danish krone (DKK),
Japanese yen (JPY),
New Zealand dollar (NZD),
Norwegian krone (NOK),
Singapore dollar (SGD),
South African rand (ZAR),
Swedish krona (SEK),
Swiss franc (CHF),
Polish Zloty (PLN) and
Thai Baht (THB).
*Whilst you can hold a CNY balance, there are regulatory restrictions that prevent you being able to send or spend inside or outside China. When using your debit card in China or Hong Kong, it won't be possible to use your CNY balance. Payments will be debited from your GBP balance. This is because there are regulatory restrictions for CNY currency that we're currently unable to adhere to.